I am one of those wonderfully unfortunate people who can't call their skin sensitive. The best description for my skin is mildly possessed. Without a weekly ex foliating regime it turns to full blown demonic possession.
There was one serious problem with standard ex foliating scrubs...well other than the whole problem of testing on cute little bunny rabbits. Plastic. You see, the majority of standard cosmetic companies use tiny bits of plastic in their ex foliating products. These end up in our water supply. Which ends up in our rivers and oceans. There have been increasing cases of this plastic ending up in fish, molluscs, dolphins and whales. Serious pollution, almost invisible to the naked eye, and deadly to aquatic creatures.
This is why African Extracts happen to be one of my absolute favourite cosmetic brands. The ingredients used for ex foliation is apricot seed kernels and rooibos leaves. No fish homicide, far less guilt. It is not a strong product, making it very well suited for sensitive skin, especially skin that tends to overreact over the tiniest things. Being lightly scented it is suitable to individuals who suffer from skin allergies. The face scrub also has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it not only lessens breakouts, but it soothes and calms angry skin.
The packaging is fresh and clean. Its easy to store, and take with during travels. In all the years of travelling, I have never had a exploded tube of facial scrub episode.
All in all I think that this is a fantastic product and an amazing addition to any beauty routine. It is a must have for any young lady suffering those dreaded breakouts, or for the rest of us who still suffer with face demons as adults.
The best part about this wonderful product? Availability! You can get it at most grocery chains. No treasure hunting. For an affordable R51.99 you can get it from Spar, Pick n Pay, Checkers or your local pharmacy.