Monday, June 1, 2015

Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal

Lets face it, there are certain products some of us find a bit fishy when we hear the word Cruelty Free. To me that would be deodorant and toothpaste. My idea of cruelty free deodorant was a mint leave clutched in the good old stinky armpit. Probably sold in posh little bags at the price of a sports car. 

Big was my surprise when a friend referred me to the Naturally Fresh range of products. I found the products on the shelves at Clicks. At first I was unsure about investing in the obscure looking item, I mean, if it was so great, why have I never heard of it before? It took about two months of coaxing for me to finally buy myself a Deodorant Crystal. 

Opening the container I had to fight the urge to lick what looked like a salt crystal. (Yes, I am weird.) I followed the instructions, still not convinced that this little salt stick could be a deodorant.I mean, its a mineral stick! It looks like something you would give a cow to lick. 

Boy was I surprised!

It was easy and effective. You wet the little stick of mineral salt, rub it under your arms, dry the stick off and put it back in the cupboard. Tadaa! It went on clear and didn't stain my clothes. Perfect. 

6 Months in I am convinced I have found the wonder product of deodorants. It has staying power, is clean and easy to use, and it does not stain everything white! I have also hardly made a dent in my crystal, after 6 months of using it. What more could a person want??

Being Propylene Glycol and Paraben free, it is definitely a healthier option. The mineral stick prevents the growth of the bacteria responsible for those pesky body odours.  

The problems I have had with this deodorant? In clumsy hands, it will be turned into a shattered mess on your bathroom floor. It took me a week to fish out bits of mineral crystal from all the bathroom corners. Secondly, it does not have a fragrance. You can get a fragranced stick, but, if you happen to be like myself, that quite love smelling good, you would still need to use a fragranced deodorant over this one. (Hopefully one of my future products to review!)

For R42.99 you can buy a 90g stick at most Clicks stores. Some Dischem stores also stock these Deodorant Crystals.