Monday, October 12, 2015

Dragon's Egg Bath Ballistic - Lush

Because of its notoriety with Lush supporters I was looking forward to giving this Bath Ballistic a try.  It is said to be spectacular all round. Fragrant, colorful and glittery! Why would I not love it? I read reviews and watched videos where people were actually complaining about the overpowering fragrance or abundance of glitter so I was really looking forward to this Bath Ballistic. The Sakura Bath Ballistic was made to sound like the wall flower sister in comparison to the Dragon's Egg. 
This is quite a sizable bath ballistic compared to some others. It is a large white ball with chips of blue, pink and green. Really a thing of simplistic beauty.

Sadly, my experience was not the wonderful sweet smelling, glittery bonanza I was hoping for. The Ballistic started off with a lovely fizzy crackling, releasing a soft citrus fragrance. After about a minute it started releasing a golden spray of color. Unfortunately, as time went on, the golden water started to turn into a yellow shade reminiscent of urine. 

The fragrance started to fade away until it was barely noticeable. The pink and blue chips seem to contain the essential oils for the Bath Ballistic. The only problem being that they turn into something that can only be described as soggy fruit loops when they melt. After about 20 minutes in a rather hot bath they went from soggy fruit loops to snot. The little buggers absolutely refused to dissolve.  

As for the glitter, I fully understand that you don't want to exit your bath resembling a Drag Queen (Unless you happen to be one to begin with.) However, when all the reviews say glitter I want glitter! The sales lady promised glitter! The only way I could see the glitter in the water was to look at the tub after the water has run out. Yes, I am rather blind, but even I can spot glitter in water. 

Because of its size it took almost 20 minutes for the ballistic to fully dissolve. I kept hoping that it would give me a surprise of sorts, a burst of color, an explosion of glitter, anything to keep the sinking feeling of disappointment at bay. 

In essence I sat stewing, for 30 minutes, in what I can only describe as urine with bits of booger floating in it. This might be why I only have one child. 

At R49.50 for a 180g ball the price isn't too bad, however, I would honestly opt for one of the other bath ballistics next time. 

Maybe I picked the dud in the batch? I would really like some feedback from the other Lush fans out there on this one.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chou Chou - I Love You Toothy Tabs - Lush

Toothpaste? In tablet form? Are you mad? No minty freshness? Not a gel? No toothpaste tube? Say what??

Okay, so maybe it was more curiosity that attracted me to this product than anything else. But it definitely surprised me. 

Together with deodorant, cruelty free toothpaste is something I struggle to wrap my head around. We get so conditioned to that tube of minty goo that its difficult to imagine any other route to demolish morning breath. 

What you receive when you purchase this product is a small cardboard box that reminds me of a mint container. Sliding it open you discover the tablets.(Yes, they do look like something that Grandpa would use to clean his dentures.) What intrigued me about this specific product in the Lush toothpaste range is the fact that it contains Rose Oil. The gentle scent of roses is very subtle but surprisingly appealing. 
When using the toothy tabs, the idea is to break up the tablet between your front teeth, then to wet your toothbrush with water and brush. The result is something that might cause a farmer to shoot you. It foams. A lot. I was between horror and insane amusement the first time I tried a tablet. The taste reminded me a bit of stale Turkish Delights. My brain was rather confused. However, I could not complain with the outcome. My teeth felt clean and my mouth strangely fresh. It didn't aggravate my sensitive gums as much as normal toothpaste. 
Because it is a pricey product compared to traditional toothpaste I don't use it every day, but rather for those special occasions. The rosy foam experience is something I got used to in  a short time. To be honest, if I could use Toothy Tabs every day I definitely would. 

I only have two problems with the product. Firstly, when it gets damp it loses some of its oomph. For obvious reasons this is a bit of a problem for a product that is kept in a bathroom. Second is the packaging. It is sometimes a bit difficult to get the tablets out of the container. Especially when you add the damp problem. Somehow I keep thinking that a refillable tin would possibly be more functional than the cardboard container. 

These deceptive little tablets definitely pack a punch when it comes to freshness. At R49.50 for a 20g box it is unfortunately a bit pricey, but totally worth it when you only use the Toothy Tabs every now and then.